42. Sunwealth’s 2022 Impact Report


Together with you – our partners and community of investors, local solar developers and installers, community organizations and local businesses, policymakers, organizers, and advocates – we have built a resilient movement with a proven track record, deep experience, and a commitment to creating a better energy future.

Our movement is now supported by robust policies from the Inflation Reduction Act to local net zero energy and solar ready ordinances across the nation. Sunwealth believes that the individuals, teams, communities, and organizations rising to meet the significance of this moment have earned a name: The Solar Generation.

The Solar Generation is not defined by age, political view, income bracket, or other demographics. We are bound by shared values that are unifying and inclusive. The Solar Generation is working towards a future where our communities are vibrant and resilient, where local businesses provide good jobs that strengthen our regional economies for generations to come. We are taking action to leverage our capital for good, prioritizing equity and access while optimizing for impact. Our achievements in 2022 represent the beginning of what The Solar Generation can accomplish together.

We are at the dawn of The Solar Generation. And the opportunity belongs to all of us.

Jon Abe