40. CohnReznick Recognizes Sunwealth as an ESG Gamechanger

Our 58 kW solar project on the barn at Hill View Farm in Danville, Vermont. Hill View is a second generation family owned and operated dairy farm that is a member of the Organic Valley Cooperative.

For Sunwealth, ESG is more than a commitment. As a public benefit corporation and B Corp, it’s woven into the very fabric of our work – in the decisions we make, the investors we partner with, and the communities we serve. Every project we finance and develop considers the economic, environmental, and social impact on the community and partners involved – ensuring that the clean energy we’re creating is meaningfully increasing solar access, equity, and savings while providing revenue and green jobs for local and regional solar economies. Without our partnerships with values-aligned community banks, our work to build a better clean energy future would not be possible.

Our focus on ESG was recently recognized by CohnReznick – an industry-leading advisory, assurance, and tax firm that provides services to growth-focused businesses – who named Sunwealth their “Gamechanger of the Year” as part of their inaugural 2022 ESG Gamechanger Awards. The awards celebrate companies driving positive change for their people, clients, and communities. Winners were chosen by an independent panel of 12 judges from leading companies, including the MLB, Starbucks, U.N. Principles for Responsible Investing, Carbon Tracker, and members of CohnReznick’s executive team.

As part of the award and as a salute to businesses driving forth long-term prosperity and sustainability, CohnReznick produced a short video to highlight Sunwealth’s ESG story featuring our Chief Financial Officer, Omar Blayton. The video highlights who we are, who we serve, and how we’re delivering on ESG by developing community-based solar projects that provide energy savings, green jobs, and emissions reductions to low-to-moderate income communities. We’re thrilled to share more about our impact in this latest format.

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Christian Morris is Sunwealth’s Marketing and Investor Development Associate. Prior to joining Sunwealth, he led communications for a Boston-based research and advocacy nonprofit focused on climate policy.

Jon Abe