Sunny days in Arizona

Recognizing the Value of Local Partnerships

When Sunwealth looks at a state like Arizona, we see opportunity. Despite setbacks in recent years—among them the implementation of a net metering charge in 2014—we believe the future is bright for Arizona’s commercial solar market. Our friends at SEIA agree. They predict that over the next five years, Arizona will see the addition of 5,296 MW of new solar capacity—making it the 6th fastest growing market in the nation.

275 kW DC carport solar installation at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Tucson, AZ

Since the last quarter of 2020, Sunwealth has partnered with strong local installers like Solar Gain, Solaris, and Technicians for Sustainability to finance and develop nearly 1 MW of projects across the state. The largest of these projects—a roof mount installation paired with a carport on the campus of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Tucson—will create over nine lifetime job years while delivering nearly $400,000 in lifetime energy savings to the parish.

The strategy is emblematic of how Sunwealth approaches projects in emerging markets like Arizona—providing flexible financing to developers while trusting them to get the job done. Sean Dew, a Senior Project Developer at Sunwealth, recently completed work on a 152kW rooftop installation on a multifamily affordable housing structure. According to Dew, “working with partners who have deep roots in their community is crucial. Combining our partners years of experience with financing that’s flexible enough to do the job as they see fit allows us to rapidly deploy capital in the C&I space.”

152 kW DC rooftop solar installation at Villa Catalina in Tucson, AZ

If Arizona is to lead the nation in new commercial solar development in the year to come, we’re confident that it’s strong local installers and developers like TFS, Solaris, and Solar Gain that will lead the way.

To learn more about how Sunwealth makes project financing flexible and easy, contact us.

Jon Abe